so I hacked my 2ds a while back and just a few days ago a couple of my good friends came over, each with a 3ds. I love hacking and modding, and I love my friends, so I jailbroke both their handhelds. it was really fun! a few times I was worried that I messed it up but I had it all under control in the end.
I've had my passion reignited for my 2ds and I've been using it so much lately, playing my childhood wishlist games (tomodachi life and kirby planet robobot) and hunting down the few legit streetpass tags I can get my fuzzy paws on. Yes, netpass exists, but it feels not as fun as actual streetpass. feels like cheating, almost. and if it's the only way you can get tags, go ahead and use it! but I live in a big city, there's gotta be at least a few people around here.
also, I got really back into the tildeverse recently. I recovered my old account, go check me out over there!.
first day back at school and someone already asked me to mod their 3ds. clearly I am in demand. perhaps I should start charging money /halfjoke
hi hey welcome to [mosaiic]. leave ur shoes by the door, grab a blanket, take a seat. our doors are always open to you.
a while ago I watched a youtube video called meow mix. it's a really wierd and trippy animation... thing. I have a tendancy to rewatch videos I really enjoy.
so I went back and watched the video again a couple days ago and I instantly realized how much I want to write about inspiration. funny, I was inspired to write about inspiration :3
I have a very hard time with motivation (probably due to autism, physical disability, depression, etc) so i rarely work on this site. but like I said, I got inspired to try again. all of a sudden I just had to code this new page. I spent hours on it for nights until I found a general direction I'm happy with. it's far from finished at the time of writing this, but I like it so far! after this post is finished I'm probably not going to touch this blog for a month or more. until I get another bolt of inspiration. it's like whenever i do get inspired I just get to trancend my body's limits lmao
well, happy new year's eve. here's to another year of utter bs in the best and worst possible ways at the same time. don't forget your shoes on your way out, 'k?